Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Walking Daily in the New Testament and Proverbs
#  1  > The New Testament gives you an up-close-and-personal glimpse at the life of Jesus. The Gospels present a testimony of the miracle of His birth, the impact of His life, and the power of His death & resurrection. The succeeding New Testament books offer a deeper reflection of Jesus Christ  and the ministry we, as His followers, are called to. The book of Proverbs is known as the "Book of Wisdom" because it provides instructions on how to live happily, successfully, and victoriously. It is jam-packed with tips, advice, an d insight that if applied can change your relationships, attitudes, and life.

#  2  > The Plan is Simple
There are 89 chapters in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. By reading one chapter of the Gospels each day, and then two chapters of the rest of the New Testament ( ACTS - REVELATION ) for a total of three chapters per day, you will go through the New Testament in just 89 days. This plan is called "The cell rule of Optina." The monks of the Optina Monastery enter into a daily Scripture discipline: one chapter from the Gospels and two chapters from the rest of the New Testament, reading daily in order beginning with the book of Acts and ending with the last chapter of Revelation.

#  3  > By following this plan, Matthew 1 and Acts 1__2 are on the first day, and then the last gospel, John 21, is read on the very same day as Revelation 21__22. I have added a slight twist by including a section from the book of Proverbs with each day's reading. 

Daily Devotions: Walking Daily in the New Testament and Proverbs: The e-book adds an even more convenient way to follow this reading plan. Now you can your daily devotions with you on your smartphone, e-reader, tablet, or computer. This is perfect for when you're on-the-go, commuting to work, are taking a short break, or while you're waiting for an appointment. Reading the New Testament and Proverbs daily is not like reading any other book. The New Testament and Proverbs are relevant for every day. You will never say, "Oh, I have read that verse before," Or "I know that story already so I am not going to read it again." Each day offers something fresh and new. God will meet you where you are and speak to you from His Word. "Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the men of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2  Timothy  3:16__17. Get ready to strengthen your faith and grow in deeper insight into God's Word.

#  4  > "Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2  Timothy  3:16__17.
Get ready to strengthen your faith and grow in deeper insight into God's Word.

How to Develop the Good Habit of Daily Devotions
Think About Your Why  
Why do you want to read the New Testament and Proverbs every day? Define your purpose and make it very clear. Write down two or three reasons that are important to you. 
Here are some suggestions:
I love God and want to learn more about Him. Jesus paid a big price for my salvation and I want to learn more about His love for me. The life that gets fed will grow. Feed your mind and heart with the Word of God and you will grow spiritually. Neglect my spiritual life, it will become like the seeds sown on hard soil as seen in the parable of the sower and the seed as told by Jesus ( and I don't want that ).   

Saturday, May 21, 2016


#  1  > Somewhere in our search for identity, all of us eventually ask, "What am I?" That question goes to the core of how we see ourselves and how we function. Usually, we ask other questions first, like "How did I get here?" or "Where do babies come from?" Most answers we get in those early years are pretty vague. The stork or Santa Claus or the hospital works for a while, but we find that most folks avoid really answering the question__other than finally giving us "the talk" about our biological beginning.

Religious institutions score a bit better. Usually, catechism structures open with a question like "Who made me?" The common answer is "God made me." Although generally correct, the thought is still somewhat vague. How, one wonders, does God make me? Most religions don't deal with the fundamental question very much at all. More attention is given to what God expects us to do and how we are to treat others__all of which is important, but what I am makes a huge difference in my understanding of how to live, who or what to worship, and how to relate to the rest of life on the planet.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


#  1  > Jesus Christ exclaimed, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord', shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he how does the will of My Father in heaven" ( MATTHEW  7:21 ). His warning should cause all of us to carefully consider our religious beliefs and assumptions. Why? Because many who claim to be His followers, who claim to have done great deeds in His name, will be rejected by Him. He will tell them, "I never knew you" ( verse  23 ). How, then, can we distinguish the authentic disciples of Christ who really are doing the will of the Father from those who call Jesus "Lord" but refuse to do God's will? Today we are faced with hundreds of religious groups, each claiming to be Christian and regarding itself as possessing that special something that gives it God's stamp of approval. Most groups that profess to be Christian represent themselves as having a "calling," as being to "chosen" of the Lord. Even many non-Christian religious groups regard themselves as divinely chosen. No matter how we look at it, the religious scene is confusing. No wonder millions are suspicious of all religion. It is possible to sort the truth from this puzzling religious hodgepodge? Indeed, it is__if we are willing to take an honest look at the facts and accept the truth as revealed in the Scriptures.

#  2  > Jesus Christ is real. He was resurrected. He is alive. And His impact on the world has exceeded that of any other man who has ever lived. Most people are familiar with the name Jesus Christ. But how many know what He taught? What was His mission? What makes His true followers different? Who truly represents Him? Jesus said, "I will build My church." The Greek word translated "church" in Bible is ekklesia, meaning an assembly or, more precisely, "a calling out" or "called-out ones." Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words note that ekklesia is "from ek, 'out of', and klesis, 'a calling' ( kaleo, to call )," and "was used among the greeks of a body of citizens 'gather' to discuss the affairs of state, Acts  19:39" ( 1985, "Assembly" ). The book of Hebrews describes this body of believers as "the general assembly and church of the firstborn" ( HEBREWS  12:23 ). Paul describes it as "the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" ( 1  TIMOTHY  3:15 ). Jesus warned that "narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" ( MATTHEW  7:14 ).

#  3  > Danger of deception
Should we be surprised? Most people simply ignore Jesus words when they don't agree with them. Nevertheless, Jesus tells those who wish to be His true disciples that they must "enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it" ( verse  13 ). Even if one becomes a disciple of Christ, he is still in danger of being swept back into the clutches of Satan, the archadversary of all who would be godly. The apostles Paul expressed his concern for those who had been converted to Christianity under his ministry: "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough" 
                         ( 2  CORINTHIANS  11:3__4 ).